Human Design

Tiffany Stephens-Rave Chart overviewTiffany Stephens-Rave Chart overviewTiffany Stephens-Rave Chart overview

Human Design enables you to understand the uniqueness of who you are and the uniqueness of those around you. We are all designed differently, different traits, different ways of doing things, saying things, seeing things and different ways of learning.

When you understand the differences and the uniqueness then you can move easily through life in the divine flow of what is right for you. It also enables you to understand and accept others for who they are.

In accordance with our strategy life flows with us, not against us and thefeore becomes easy and enjoyable

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a synthesis of Astrology, the Chakra System, the I’Ching and the Kabbalah Tree of Life. This combination ancient systems of knowledge are brought together with quantum physics and genetics to create a Human Design chart within which is revealed your true energetic blueprint and nature as a human being.

Human Design is a gift to humanity. It enables us to know our true/authentic selves, to understand where and how we may have been subject to conditioning (through which the not self or non authentic self is expressed) as a result of our life experiences and the people in our lives. With awareness of our true potential we can decondition ourselves, enabling to shine our true light and bring forth our true purpose in life.

Human Design is a practical tool which enables you to truly know yourself, your children and other people in your life enabling you to live a life of awareness, understanding and compassion for yourself and others around you.

Human Design is a personal experience and a personal experiment, it is  personal process of self discovery

Human Design is a personality assessment tool, how you use energy and what gives you life purpose. It enables you to understand your strengths and wisdom.

Human Design is the blueprint of how you process and transmit energy

Human Design helps you understand your behavioural patterns and habits which are usually rooted in your open centres

Human Design an accurate and reliable decision making tool. We are conditioned to use our heads to make decisions which is incorrect. Decisions should be made according to the authentic self

If you do not live according to type and strategy then you will encounter the Not Self, struggle and resistance.

When you live your strategy you align with what is correct for you and life gets easier. Living your strategy allows you to live authentically.

Human Design can be used to:
Reconnect you to your inner authority

Reveal your True potential and personal power

Discover your right approach for living authentically

Improve parenting and gift your children with knowledge of their true identity

Enhance relationships and bring resolution to relationship/family misunderstandings

Your Human Design is a map of your energy and how you interact with the world.


To request your free Human Design chart

please email

with your date, time and place of birth

Human Design and Mentoring

I use Human design as part of my mentoring sessions to ensure that any advice I am giving you is accurate to who you are. Some aspects of your chart may therefore be shared with you as part of a mentoring session where relevant.

Human Design Chart Readings.

Readings are the best way to give you an in-depth explanation of your chart

Inner Authority Reading – A Way of Life

In this reading you will learn about your Type, your Strategy, your Inner Authority and Profile enabling you to make decisions with greater clarity, enter into agreements in the way that is right for you and to generally live life with greater fluidity and ease. By simply following your Strategy you can reduce and eliminate difficulties and resistance with the awareness that this reading will give you.  – £66 includes digital recording

Inner Authority Report – £33   Combined Inner Authority Reading and Report £88

Energy Readings – To Be or Not to Be (Authentic)

The Centres  -In this reading you will learn about your Centres which will give you an understanding of how you operate and brings clarity about how you may have been conditioned to feel and be in the world. We explore the energy that you are designed to radiate out into the world and differentiate between the Self and Not Self  £66 includes digital recording

The Gates  – In this reading we look at Gate Definition and related Circuitry  This gives you a deeper understanding of the energies that you carry, what each energy means and how it is expressed and experienced. £111 includes digital recording

Combined Energy Reading£177  includes digital recording of the reading

Written Energy Reading £123 (only available if purchased with a combined Energy Reading)

Recorded Energy Reading – £123

Combined Inner Authority & Energy Reading£222 (full value £243)

Life Purpose Readings

Incarnation Cross ReadingThe Life Path you came to walk  –     This reading covers the 4 energies in your Sun and Earth which make up your Incarnation Cross and sets out the story line for your soul and life purpose

Live reading £88 includes digital recording & PDF

Written or Recorded Readings can be purchased separately for £55 each

Soul and Life PurposeThe Main Pieces – This reading includes Incarnation Cross, what drives you, the lessons you are here to learn and master, your Spiritual purpose, blessings and what you are here to communicate. – £177 includes digital recording & PDF

Written or Recorded Readings can be purchased separately for £111 each

Soul and Life Purpose ReadingThe Big Picture – This covers all 14 energies of both your Soul and Life Purpose. – £222 includes digital recording & PDF

Written or Recorded Readings can be purchased separately for £144 each

Life Cycle Analysis Readings

Your birth Human design  never changes, however, different elements coming in from the planetary transits will present as themes during major cycles of your life. Cycle Analysis readings show these ‘themes’ and help you to navigate and /or understand certain periods of your life.

Solar Return – occurs annually

Each year, the sun returns to the exact placement in the sky as when you were born, this is known as your Solar Return.Your Solar Return shows you what energies, qualities and gifts are more accessible to you for the coming year. It brings information about opportunities and personal connections. We look at the themes for the coming year that will be brought to you through people you will encounter and how to navigate the year as your true self.

We may also explore themes from the current/previous Solar Return year.

Whilst the reading can be done at the time of the Solar Return, you can have it a few months before your next birthday for informed awareness.

Pre-requisite: An understanding of your basic design (i.e Inner Authority reading)

Investment – 1 year £111 2 years £177 3 years£234

A Solar Return Reading makes a great annual birthday present to self and it makes a great birthday gift for your friends and family.

✨Gift vouchers are available ✨

Saturn Return Reading

Saturn Returns to it’s original position in your chart  every 28-32 years

Saturn is the planet of lessons; the lessons we chose to take on during this lifetime and which are clearly defined in our design.

During our lifetime, we go through 2 or 3 Saturn Returns at approximately 28-32 year intervals. At each Saturn Return we have the opportunity to deepen our understanding of our Saturn lessons and assess our progress. During a Saturn Return reading you can understand what the next Saturn cycle is bringing in terms of energies and opportunities for personal growth and awareness.

Saturn can be a stern task master. If we aren’t in alignment in life, our Saturn lessons can be rude and disruptive. By understanding and embracing our lessons, by being proactive with Saturn’s energies, we can avoid the “wake up” curveballs that Saturn throws our way

The First Saturn Return around 28-32 is the beginning of the transition into adulthood. This is particularly important if you have a 6th line in your Profile.

The Second Saturn Return around 56 – 62 makes the transition into Elderhood. If the Saturn themes in your chart have not been learned, this Return period can be particularly disruptive.

To learn the date of your next Saturn Return, please email your date, time and place of birth. I will send you back the month and year of your next Saturn Return, or if recent, your current Saturn Return.

Pre-requisite: An understanding of your basic design

Investment – £222

Uranus Opposition Reading – the mid-life point 38-42

The planet Uranus, is known as the great awakener, it takes approximately 84 years to return to it’s position at our time of birth. Somewhere between 38 and 42 Uranus reaches the midpoint of it’s orbit in the opposite position to where it was at your birth. This Uranus Opposition midpoint represents a major shift in our life’s focus and when the energies of the Nodes shift.

From birth to around 40, we embody the energies represented by the South Nodes. These energies are a background frequency during this period. At our Uranus Opposition our life focus shifts to the North Nodes energies.  This represents our future direction, a totally new focus, a new background frequency. Our capacity to embody this new direction can feel a little unstable. It is normal to experience unease, turmoil or upset during the early stages of our Uranus Opposition 

The Uranus Opposition is traditionally associated with a mid-life crisis which explains that there is an energetic reason for this. However, when we bring our awareness to this major life shift, we can work with these energies and move forward with more ease.

To learn the date of your next Uranus Opposition please email your date, time and place of birth. I will send you back the month and year of your Uranus Opposition

Pre-requisite: An understanding of your basic design

Investment £222

Chiron Return Reading – around age 50

The asteroid Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer. The Chiron placement is generally not seen in most Human Design charts as it is not a part of your birth design calculation. 

Around the age of 50-51, Chiron begins to have an influence on our design. It brings an opportunity to heal and let go of the wounds of our past. It is a time to forgive ourselves and others for whatever we have been holding on to. By letting go we have greater capacity to step into the new energy brought by Chiron. Our Chiron return is often a time when we decide to  give ourselves the life we really want.

The Chiron Return is a time of blossoming as an adult and shows you exactly what you need in order to complete the maturation of your consciousness process.

It is of particular importance if you have a 6th Line in your Profile.

To learn the date of your Chiron Return please email your date, time and place of birth. I will send you back the month and year of your Chiron Return 

Pre-requisite: An understanding of your basic design

Investment £222

All Cycle Analysis Readings can be done online or in person and will be recorded. 

Life Passages Reading– view the story of your life through 7 significant returns

We tend to learn Returns one aspect at a time. And, we usually read for one Return at a time. Following several years of difficult events I decided to look at several Returns together to reveal the themes running through them and the story this told as reflected in my life experiences

If you are older, a Life Passages Reading can be deeply healing and affirming. If you are younger, this reading can give you a preview of the energetic life themes that will unfold for you. Enabling you to approach life with more awareness

Returns included in the Reading- 1st Saturn Return – 28 to 32 , Uranus Opposition – 38 to 42, Chiron Return – 50 and 2nd Saturn Return – 56 to 60

Pre-requisite: A solid understanding of your basic design

Investment £888

Include a Solar Return ( any significant year from the past or current or upcoming year)

Investment £1110

Relationship Readings 

Human Design is a great tool for helping us to understand ourselves, however it can also be used to understand our children, partners, family members and business partners. It can be used in any setting where knowing how the other person operates is beneficial to the understanding of the relationship dynamic between you. 

When we put 2 peoples charts together it creates a 3rd chart, the chart of the relationship between those 2 people. We call it a Composite. 

Live Composite Reading – 2 people – £132   3 people -£199   4 people – £264 – We explore the dynamic interplay between the types, profiles, centres and gates of the Individuals and within the combined chart(s) – a digital recording of the reading is included

Written or Recorded Readings can be purchased separately for the same prices – £132 / £199 / £264

Specific Focus Readings 

Readings can also be tailored to look at your chart in relation to a specific issue, for decision making and how you by design impact and/or are affected by the people in your life.

Reading costs vary between £77 – £99 – £111- £132 according to the nature of the reading, the length of the reading and the extent of the chart analysis required. –

Payments can be made via Paypal using the link –

All readings can be conducted either in perso or via Skype, Zoom, other methods of social media communication (i.e Messenger/ What’s App) or by telephone.

To Book a Reading – please email me at 

* UPDATE* – coming soon (please register your interest via email)

– Specific Focus readings/classes for Parenting according to your child’s design

– Human Design Classes – group sessions with tailored discussion and practices for understanding of your Human Design (and understanding others)

– Experience Human Design using Saphire Imagery -I believe that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. Your Human design chart is a map of the themes and energies that your soul is here to live out and experience in this incarnation.

Human design combines the I Ching, Astrology, the chakras, quantum physics and the Kabbalah.

Saphire Imagery, which comes from an ancient Kabbalistic lineage, is a way of quickly accessing the subconscious and dreamfield. Revelations come by bringing light into the darkness. It is also a way of connecting to the body.

By bringing together Human Design and Saphire Imagery I give you the opportunity to experience your Human Design through simple practices, images and inner knowing.

Human Design Reports

Human Design reports are personalised written reports containing the information that is covered in the Inner Authority, Energy Reading and all Soul/ Life Purpose readings

Please Note that all reports are created personally by me and are not computer generated.

More about Human Design

There are 9 centres in the Human Design Bodygraph

The 9 centres are responsible for processing different types of energy.

Head – Pressure centre – Inspiration

Ajna – concrete thinking and concepts’

Throat – communication and manifestation into action

G/Identity  – self identity, love and direction

Will/heart  – money, ego, willpower

Sacral – Workforce and lifeforce energy

Solar Plexus – emotional energy

Spleen – intuition, health (immune system), survival, linear/non-linear time

Root – pressure centre – adrenaline pressure and stress

Defined Centres  radiate and broadcast energy and information out, the energy is consistent and is the Truth of who you are. It is the part of who you are as you go through the deconditioning process that gives the opportunity for your ‘true’ colours to show.

Open centres are places where you take in energy and information from the environment and the people around you. Therefore we experience this energy inconsistently as it changes all the time. We experience it intensely because the energy is amplified. The open centres are where we take in energy from our parents, from our peers and other people around us and we think it is our energy, this is conditioning. We develop behavioural patterns due to our conditioning.

The aim from the Human Design perspective is to live your definition not your openness and to live out the potential of who you came here to BE.